Joomla™-Plugin InlineContact

Icon InlineContact

The Joomla plug-in "InlineContact" inserts the details of a specific contact from the Joomla contact management at the appropriate location. In addition, several contacts can be output in the form of a list, which can be defined by different templates.


  • Inserting contact information into the text
  • Create lists of a contact category
  • Multiple list templates can be created


The plugin is free of charge and can be downloaded via the following link.


The package includes, in addition to the main plugin, a component and another plugin for adding a button in the editor.
The component and the further plugin ensure that the InlineContact placeholders can be inserted directly via a button with selection of the contact and, if necessary, the template.

Version: 4.0.0 - Joomla™ Version 4.x / 5.x
Licence: GPLv2
Downloads: 1248

Single Extensions

Version: 4.0.0 - Joomla™ Version 4.x / 5.x
Licence: GPLv2

Version: 1.1.0 - Joomla™ Version 4.x / 5.x
Licence: GPLv2

Version: 1.0.0 - Joomla™ Version 4.x / 5.x
Lizenz: GPLv2


The source code can be found on GitHub



{inlinecontact contactid} any text/ HTML {/inlinecontact}
contactid must be replaced by the respective ID of the contact.
The available placeholders can then be used between the two tags.

{inlinecontactlist categoryid templatenumber}
categoryid must be replaced by the ID of a contact category.
templatenumber has to be replaced by the number of the template from the plugin settings

Plugin settings

Hide empty values: If a value is empty, the corresponding label is not displayed

Templates: Templates consist of three parts, the part before and after the list as well as the repeating main part. All parts can be filled with text or HTML, whereby in the main part the placeholders are replaced accordingly. An unlimited number of templates is possible.


The following standard placeholders + the names of all user defined fields are available:


All placeholders only return the value. Each placeholder can be prefixed with further prefixes:
[l_*] : outputs only the associated label
[lv_*] : outputs both the value and the associated label


One Contact

HTML in the editor

<p>{inlinecontact 5}[image]<br>
Name: [name]<br>
[l_email_to]: [email_to]<br>


Name: John Doe<br>
Telephone: 123456789


Template (Nr 1)

Before the list


The repeating main part


After the list


Placeholder in the editor

{inlinecontactlist 5 1}

Creates a list of all contacts in the category with the ID 5 and uses the template with the number 1


<td>John Doe</td>
<td>Jane Doe</td>

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